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电话: 15820250035
姓名: xiaofun
yitaili electronics factory

  LH Int'l Trading (HK) Co., Limited is located in Pearl River Delta, South China Metropolis of Guangzhou, adjacent to the world's largest trade port - Hong Kong. Founded in the year of 2004 with about 20 staff members, we are a professional supplier and exporter specialized in phone accessories including mobile phone cases, mobile phone housings, mobile phone handsfree products, mobile phone keypads, mobile phone LCDs and others for NOKIA, MOTOROLA, LG, SONY ERICSSON and other brands.

主要产品/业务: *域名隐藏* g,battery , *域名隐藏* screen ,

yitaili electronics factory / 广东 / 广州南方大厦 (510009) / 电话:15820250035

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